STUC, a Screen Time Usage Challenge
Are you STUC on your phone??
How much can YOU reduce screen time usage?
Step 1: Go GRAY today (it can help)
Step 2: Can you resist the pull of your phone? Try this trick from a recent NYT article - put a rubber band around your phone as a physical reminder to pause and reflect. Then ask yourself, "What do I want to pay attention to?"
Step 3: Engage face-to-face, notice, be present
Step 4: At 9pm or later, check out your daily Screen Time Usage (or on Android phones from the Moment or Quality Time app). Then compare your usage to previous STUC days. Feel free to try this method any day of the month. Or when you are feeling overwhelmed.
Are you STUC on your phone??
How much can YOU reduce screen time usage?
Step 1: Go GRAY today (it can help)
Step 2: Can you resist the pull of your phone? Try this trick from a recent NYT article - put a rubber band around your phone as a physical reminder to pause and reflect. Then ask yourself, "What do I want to pay attention to?"
Step 3: Engage face-to-face, notice, be present
Step 4: At 9pm or later, check out your daily Screen Time Usage (or on Android phones from the Moment or Quality Time app). Then compare your usage to previous STUC days. Feel free to try this method any day of the month. Or when you are feeling overwhelmed.